Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Gruppen- und Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen:

  • Vermutungen von Alperin, Brauer, Dade und McKay

  • Endliche Gruppen vom Lie-Typ

  • Modulare Darstellungstheorie


  • Extensions of characters in type D and the inductive McKay condition, I, Nagoya Math. J. 252 (2023), 906–958.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) On semisimple classes and component groups in type D, Vietnam J. Math. 52 (2024), 435–444.

  • (mit Z. Feng) Unitriangular basic sets, Brauer characters and coprime actions, Represent. Theory 27 (2023), 115–148.

  • (mit J. Brough) A criterion for the inductive Alperin weight condition, Bullentin LMS 54 (2022), no. 2, 466–481.

  • (mit M. Cabanes und A. Schaeffer Fry) n the inductive Alperin-McKay conditions in the maximally split case. Math. Z. 299 (2021), 2419-2441.

  • (mit J. Brough) On the Alperin-McKay conjecture for simple groups of type A. J. Algebra 558 (2020), 221–259.

  • (mit G. Navarro und C. Vallejo) A reduction theorem for the Galois-McKay conjecture. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2020.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) Descent equalities and the inductive McKay conditionfor types B and E. Adv. Math 356 (2019).

  • Reduction Theorems for some global-local Conjectures. In: Local Representations Theory and Simple Groups. EMS Ser. Congr. Rep , Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich (2018), 23-62.

  • (mit G. Navarro und G. Malle) On Blocks with One Modular Character. Forum Math. 30 (2018), no. 1, 57–73.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) Inductive McKay condition for finite simple groups of type C. Represent. Theory 21 (2017), 61–81.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) Equivariant character correspondences and inductive McKay condition for type A. J. Reine Angew. Math. 728 (2017), 153–194.

  • A Reduction Theorem for Dade's Projective Conjecture. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 19 (2017), 1071–1126.

  • Inductive Conditions for Counting Conjectures via Character Triples. In: Representation theory - current trends and perspectives. EMS Ser. Congr. Rep , Eur. Math. Soc., Zürich (2017), 665-680.

  • (mit G. Navarro und P.H. Tiep) Coprime actions and correspondences of Brauer Characters. Proc. LMS 114 (2017), 589–613.

  • (mit G. Malle) Characters of odd degree. Ann. of Math. 184 (2016), 869-908.

  • (mit S. Koshitani) The inductive Alperin-McKay and blockwise Alperin weight conditions for blocks with cyclic defect groups and odd primes. J. Group Theory 19 (2016), 777-813.

  • (mit C. Vallejo) Brauer characters and coprime action. J. Algebra 457 (2016), 278-311.

  • (mit S. Koshitani) The inductive Alperin-McKay condition for 2-blocks with cyclic defect groups. Arch. d. Math. 106 (2016), 107-116.

  • (mit S. Koshitani) Clifford theory of characters in induced blocks. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 143 (2015), 3687-3702.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) On the inductive Alperin-McKay condition for simple groups of type A. J. Algebra. 442 (2015), 104-123.

  • (mit G. Malle und G. Navarro) Invariant blocks under coprime actions. Doc. Math.. 20 (2015), 491-506.

  • (mit G. Navarro und P.H. Tiep) On fully ramified Brauer characters. Adv. Math.. 257 (2014), 248–265.

  • (mit G. Navarro) On Brauer’s height zero conjecture. J. Eur. Math. Soc.. 16 (2014), 695–747.

  • (mit G. Navarro) Character correspondences in blocks with normal defect groups. J. Algebra. 398 (2014), 396–406.

  • A reduction theorem for the blockwise Alperin weight conjecture. J. Group Theory. 16 (2013), 159–220.

  • A reduction theorem for the Alperin–McKay conjecture. J. reine angew. Math. 680 (2013), 153–189.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) Equivariance and extendibility in finite reductive groups with connected center. Math. Z.. 275 (2013), 689-713.

  • Inductive McKay condition in defining characteristic. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.. 44 (2012), 426-438.

  • Sylow d-tori of classical groups and the McKay conjecture. II. J. Algebra. 323 (2010), 2494-2509.

  • Sylow d-tori of classical groups and the McKay conjecture. I. J. Algebra. 323 (2010), 2469-2493.

  • The McKay conjecture for exceptional groups and odd primes. Math. Z.. 261 (2009), 571-595.


  • Extensions of characters in type D and the inductive McKay condition, II , eingereicht.

  • (mit M. Cabanes) The McKay Conjecture on character degrees, eingereicht.